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Cosmetic Dentistry

Young woman with gorgeous smileYour teeth may be perfectly healthy, but that doesn’t mean you love the way they look. A beautiful smile can do so much more for a person than simply improve their appearance. It can boost their confidence and guarantee every first impression they make is a positive one. One of Dr. Ben Partovi, Dr. Kara Ellis-Partovi, and Dr. Melissa Chui’s favorite parts about running a practice is giving people stunning smiles that light up their faces. Our variety of cosmetic treatments can enhance, improve, and revitalize just about every aspect of your teeth in order to give you the smile of your dreams. Read more about what we can do and then contact our Richmond, BC office today!

Woman with flawless smile

Richmond, BC Porcelain Veneers

With just one procedure, we can:

That procedure involves porcelain veneers. They are extremely thin porcelain coverings that are bonded to the front of your teeth, and they can give you a complete smile makeover in just two to three visits to our office.

When you come in to get porcelain veneers, be sure to bring pictures of the type of smile you’d like to achieve. The better idea we have of your desired results, the more likely you’ll get them. Once that is all decided, one of the doctors will gently buff off a small part of your natural enamel (only 2mm) to make room for the veneers. They’ll then take an impression of your teeth and send it to a lab to design and fabricate your veneers. You’ll be given a temporary set during this time so you can “test-drive” your smile. Then, you’ll return to our office to have them placed. With just regular brushing, flossing, and routine checkups, your new smile can easily last for years!

Closeup of gorgeous smile with metal free restorations

Metal Free Dental Restorations

In the past, whenever a damaged tooth needed to be restored, a dentist would usually use a metal crown. These do a great job of strengthening your tooth, but they affect one major thing: your appearance. The silver or gold crowns instantly stick out, and they make many people feel self-conscious.  This is why our practice uses all-porcelain crowns whenever we can. They are just as durable and long-lasting as metal crowns, but they have the added advantage that they can be perfectly color-matched to the rest of your smile.

Young man with healthy gorgeous smile

Direct Tooth Bonding

It’s amazing how just a small chip or crack on a tooth can completely throw off your entire smile-- little flaws can create big problems. Thankfully, we can quickly fix them using direct bonding. Using a putty-like composite resin, your doctor can almost instantly sculpt away a wide array of small imperfections and improve a tooth’s shape, size, and color with just one treatment. They’ll then use a curing light to harden the resin, and that’s it, your new smile will be ready for the world.

Closeup of smile with healthy even gum line

Gum Recontouring/Crown Lengthening

Often, the issue people have with their smile has nothing to do with their teeth at all. A smile that exposes too much gum tissue (or a “gummy smile”) can make someone’s teeth look short and stubby. We can fix this problem with a procedure called gum recontouring/crown lengthening. Your doctor will remove excess gum tissue to expose more of your natural dental structure and give you a more proportioned smile. This is often the first step before a patient gets a set of porcelain veneers.

Patient placing Invisalign tray

Invisalign Clear Aligners

Do you have crooked teeth but don’t want to deal with the hassle and annoyance of metal braces? Luckily, you don’t have to thanks to Invisalign. It uses smooth, clear plastic aligner trays to gently straighten your teeth, and they often work much faster than metal braces. They are almost unnoticeable while being worn, and you can take them off whenever you need to eat or brush your teeth. You get the best of comfort, appearance, and effectiveness all with one treatment.

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